Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Food for thought

As much as this is a food blog, I believe that it cannot be one-sided all the time. I.e.: talking about the gloriousness of food only and ignoring the possible side effects glorious food might bring along.

So, following my last post, some of you might have been wondering why I'm staying off red meat for the time being. Well, that's because we've all heard about the evils of eating too much red meat (saturated fat, increased risk of colon cancer, the works). And of course, the scary stories about how cows are fed ground up carcasses instead of letting them feed naturally on grass. They are, after all, herbivores. That got me quite turned off red meat.

But just yesterday, I stumbled upon some articles as I was surfing the net that got me really surprised. Apparently, this article says that there are some cuts of beef that are lower in fat than a - get this - SKINLESS chicken thigh! (The Double up chicken I ordered in my last post was a chicken thigh with skin on. Eeks!)

Could chicken really be more fattening than beef? The horror!

And in this article, you can find seven reasons to eat beef that you were not aware of. Apparently, there are actually some really tangible benefits to eating red meat! (Just as long as you choose leaner cuts like a tenderloin steak, sirloin steak or filet mignon and opt for organic beef as much as you can.)

But as with all foods, eating in moderation is best. So since I've been staying off beef for awhile, plus there are actually benefits to eating red meat, maybe it's time to start queuing at Astons soon for some steak....


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